Mother forbids her smoking mother-in-law from touching the infant unless she has recently showered and changed.

The birth of a new baby is a source of great joy and expectation, but it also comes with some stress and anxiety.

One mother was concerned about her child’s exposure to third-hand smoke due to her mother-in-law’s regular smoking habit.

Despite the mother-in-law’s pledge that she would not smoke in the child’s presence, the residue would unavoidably cling to her clothes and hair. This made the expectant mother nervous.

According to the Mayo Clinic, third-hand smoke contains persistent nicotine and other tobacco-related substances that settle on interior surfaces. These compounds can be absorbed through contact with these surfaces or through inhalation of off-gassed gases from these surfaces.

These leftover molecules have been proven to interact with typical indoor contaminants, generating a dangerous amalgamation that contains cancer-causing components.

Nonsmokers, particularly children, are more vulnerable to this condition. With this information, the pregnant mother respectfully suggested that her mother-in-law shower and change her clothes before holding her upcoming grandchild.

This meticulous approach was intended to ensure that no residues of third-hand smoke entered her home or harmed her newborn.

“Our concern lies not in her smoking in the vicinity of our child, but rather in the aftermath of her cigarette, after learning about the hazards of third-hand smoke,” the mother wrote on’s Care and Feeding page.

To reduce this risk, we’ve determined that she must shower and change her clothes after smoking before cradling the baby.” Recognizing the possible sensitivity of the situation, she expressed her desire to avoid alienating her mother-in-law.

Her goal was to strike a balance between boundaries and friendliness. She wanted guidance on how to approach this circumstance while remaining welcoming.

She also enquired about the duration of such stringent measures and how to handle the situation during trips to her in-laws’ homes.

Care and Feeding responded with wise counsel: “Your request is entirely reasonable, and her reaction to it is entirely her responsibility.” These rules should be followed when she comes to your house.

When you visit her, though, pragmatism may dictate some flexibility. Removing all signs of smoke and nicotine from their surroundings may be impractical. As a result, staying in a hotel during your visits could be a reasonable option.”

This expectant mother’s concerns about protecting her unborn child from third-hand smoking are real and indicate a genuine desire to prioritize her baby’s well-being.

The question then becomes, what do her readers think of her approach? If any smoking grandmothers have opposing views on the mother’s desires, their viewpoints could deepen the continuing debate.

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