Asthma can be a life-threatening condition, and this was heartbreakingly demonstrated by the tragic death of young Ryan Gibbons. Ryan was a lively boy who enjoyed motorbiking and hiking. Sadly, a mistake cost him his life.

In 2012, at just 12 years old, Ryan experienced a severe asthma attack while at school, which could have been prevented if he had access to his inhaler.
On October 9, Ryan, like any other day, attended his school in grade seven. This day, however, would become one of great loss.

While playing soccer, Ryan suffered an asthma attack. His life-saving inhaler was locked in the school office, far from his reach. The school’s policy of restricting inhaler access ultimately meant Ryan’s friends could not help him reach it in time.
Despite his friends’ efforts to carry him to the office, Ryan lost consciousness and could not be revived. This tragic event sent shockwaves through Elgin Country School in Ontario, Canada, and drew significant public attention.

During the investigation, it was revealed that the school persistently disallowed him from keeping his inhaler, despite his mother, Sandra Gibbons, and even a doctor’s note supporting the need.

Asthma can strike unpredictably, making it critical to have immediate access to an inhaler. However, the school’s inflexible policies resulted in repeated confiscations.
Sandra Gibbons recounted numerous calls from the school, asking her to collect Ryan’s extra inhalers, which they confiscated.

“It was frustrating,” said Sandra, speaking with CBC. “The policy stated that prescribed medication needed to be in the office, which didn’t make sense for emergencies.”
In the face of this tragedy, Sandra was determined to prevent similar incidents. She initiated a petition to urge the Ontario government to implement standardized asthma management plans in schools.

“Losing Ryan was losing what I lived for,” Sandra told Allergic Living. She was driven to see changes so no other family would endure such a preventable tragedy.
Sandra’s efforts bore fruit. The passage of Bill 135, known as Ryan’s Law, mandated that children could carry inhalers with them, provided there’s a doctor’s note.

“I’m overwhelmed and very happy about its implementation,” Sandra expressed, relieved at the positive change.
The Asthma Society praised this development, highlighting its importance for children having ready access to their medication.
In the United States, laws similarly allow students to carry inhalers; however, inconsistencies in policy adherence remain, causing potential life-threatening situations.
Asthma fatalities, although reduced over recent years, remain a concern with over 10 people dying daily from asthma-related complications.
Ryan’s story is profoundly sad and underscores how crucial it is for policies to support immediate access to medication. His experience was pivotal in shaping a safer future for children with asthma.
Without the dedication of his mother, countless other tragedies might occur. The establishment of “Ryan’s Law” is both a tribute to Ryan and a beacon of hope for asthma safety in schools.
By sharing Ryan’s story, you’re helping to raise awareness about the importance of access to asthma medication in emergency situations. Let us remember Ryan and continue to support measures that keep children safe.