A woman with an unusual skin disease overcomes adversity to find true love.

Karine de Souza is all too aware of the reality of a world where people are judged based on social media appearances.

The 33-year-old Brazilian has spent her entire life suffering from xeroderma pigmentosum. Because of this rare illness, she is susceptible to UV light and has a high chance of getting skin cancer.

As a result, she must take preventive steps such as applying SPF 100 sunscreen to her body every day, even indoors.

This illness, which affects around one in a million people, is incurable. Karene’s health is in danger because she is constantly exposed to the harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

Yet, she bravely faces the glances and comments of strangers who wonder why someone so young needs such substantial UV protection.

Karine has had to deal with the aftereffects of a few brief moments in the sun, which resulted in terrible sunburns.

She was primarily kept inside during her childhood because being outside for extended periods was hazardous.

The worst effects of this exposure became apparent only later: lesions began to form and required treatment owing to cancer risk.

Karine had 130 operations to remove these lesions throughout the years, including evacuating her lower lip and a part of her nose.

Karine has faced verbal harassment as well as physical assault as a result of her appearance, both in her neighborhood and online.

She has maintained a cheerful outlook throughout her ordeal and even discovered true love.

Karine and Edmilson’s unique love story started with him praising her “story and fortitude” on social media.

Edmilson took the relationship to the next level by embracing Karine’s three children from a previous relationship in addition to their affection, which meant a lot to her.

After posting pictures of the couple online, they got negative comments from people who questioned whether or not they were together and called Karine a “monster” or “zombie.”

Among the criticisms were assertions that she was a wealthy “sugar mommy,” which she was not.

Karine and her partner revealed their engagement to the public, and they were welcomed with a lot of astonishment.

After all, Karine was much older than her companion, whom many thoughts were far too attractive for her.

A photographer who had taken a few images of the happy couple shortly after their engagement posted them online, complimenting them for standing out in a society that lays much too much emphasis on appearances.

They were praised for encouraging individuals who lacked self-esteem, appreciation, and love. He went on to thank them for the crucial lesson they taught him and the satisfaction he gained from spending time with them.

The photographer said he would cherish their grins for the rest of his life and thanked them for giving him hope and love.

Karine and Edmilson’s poignant story drew the attention of thousands of people when his emotional remarks and suggestive photos of the couple went viral on social media.

The outpouring of love and congratulations reinforced their happy news that they were expecting a baby girl, Zaia, in 2023. This had been a long-awaited pregnancy since they began trying for a child in 2020.

Karine wants to remind others of the importance of fostering optimism through challenging circumstances. She believes that life should be enjoyed and encourages people to be pleasant and appreciative.

Her journey has inspired many, and sharing her story will encourage people in similar situations.