The three “Jeopardy!” contestants remained mute as host Mayim Bialik inquired about the well-known and sung Christian prayer, “Our Father.” The mood in the studio became tight as the participants struggled to provide the perfect solution.
During Tuesday’s episode of the popular game show, Bialik, who was presenting at the time, carefully spelled out the question: “In Matthew 6:9, it states, ‘Our Father Who Art in Heaven,’ this ‘Be Thy Name.’”
This ancient invocation, known as the “Our Father” prayer, has excellent value for Christians worldwide. However, the contestants—Suresh, Joe, and Laura—could not provide the desired response, “Hallowed Be Thy Name.”
The contenders’ inability to understand what appeared to be a simple question sparked quite a commotion among the spectators. Many viewers expressed surprise on social media, wondering how the finalists could have failed on such a fundamental subject.
“Can’t believe no one on #Jeopardy knew the word ‘hallowed.’ Are you kidding me?” one Twitter user shouted. They said, “I only attended Catholic school for two years, but it’s amazing how much I still remember.”
Another bystander said, “Even my 4-year-old niece knew the answer to this Jeopardy question!” Perhaps the participants hadn’t heard of the Lord’s Prayer.”
A different person commented on Iron Maiden’s 1982 heavy metal song “Hallowed Be Thy Name,” saying, “How could those Jeopardy! Are nerds not knowing the answer? “Do they not know about Iron Maiden?”
Another participant expressed shock that none of the participants had dared to offer an intelligent guess. “On tonight’s episode of Jeopardy, participants were only required to finish the line, ‘Our Father who art in heaven, __ be thy name.’
Despite this, they were still waiting for an estimate. “I was surprised by how simple the question was,” they said. A person joked, “I’m an atheist, and even I knew the answer to that Lord’s Prayer question. #Jeopardy.”
Viewers described this unexpected turn of events as “disappointing” and “unforgivable.” The fact that none of the finalists could answer a question involving a prayer deeply rooted in Christian history bewildered their minds.