The coroner’s office has issued the autopsy report for beloved actress Anne Heche, who died three months ago. People magazine found documentation confirming that Anne had not consumed any drugs or alcohol at the time of her accident, which could have impaired her judgment or caused the crash.

However, laboratory examinations revealed residues of benzoylecgonine, a cocaine metabolite, indicating that she had previously used the drug before the accident. Cannabis was also identified as a recreational substance used before the tragic incident.

The findings also indicated that Anne was not under the influence at the time of the incident, which is good news for fans who have loved and admired her work in films and television shows. Heche has always been a proponent of healthy living and abstaining from drugs and alcohol; these findings back up that claim.

While it cannot be ruled out that other external circumstances, such as exhaustion or distraction while driving, could have contributed to her accident, it appears she did not compound these with any substances.

Cannabinoids were found in the urine sample, which is consistent with earlier use but not at the time of the accident, according to the toxicology report.

Fentanyl was also identified in her system. However, this was most likely related to therapeutic use, as there was no indication in her admission blood specimen. This is supported further by the fact that she was treated at the hospital after admission.

She appeared to have used cannabinoids before the accident, although this did not lead to any impairment at the time. Furthermore, her hospitalization and subsequent treatment indicate that she used fentanyl for therapeutic purposes after the accident.

This is supported by the absence of fentanyl in her entrance blood sample and fentanyl in post-treatment specimens. The results of this toxicology examination indicate that neither cannabis nor fentanyl was responsible for her condition at the time of the accident.

According to the publication, Anne Heche sustained such severe burns during the crash that her body could not adequately collect oxygen from the atmosphere, resulting in anoxic brain damage, eventually judged to be the cause of death.

This tragedy has impacted Heche’s two surviving kids, Homer Laffoon Heche, 20, and Atlas Heche Tupper, 13. Initially, it was assumed that Anne Heche did not have a will. Thus her eldest son initiated legal proceedings to gain possession of their mother’s assets.

This has been challenging for the siblings as they try to cope with their sad loss while navigating intricate legal difficulties with their mother’s estate.

It was recently revealed that James Tupper, Anne Heche’s youngest son’s father, has made it impossible for Homer to communicate with his younger brother Atlas. According to reports, Tupper uses a 2011 document that he feels should be recognized as Anne’s will to obstruct Homer’s attempts to connect with Atlas.

To refute this claim, court records have been filed stating that the signature on the alleged will does not belong to Anne Heche and was not witnessed by two people (a requirement under the law). Tupper has repeatedly referred to this email as a “will,” yet it is not holographic nor formally witnessed.

This means that it cannot be considered an authoritative document unless it is monitored and validated by suitable witnesses and will experts.

The two intestate heirs of the Decedent, Homer Heche Laffoon, and Atlas Heche Tupper, recently filed a Petition for Appointment of Guardian ad Litem in an attempt to be recognized as rightful heirs to their mother’s worldly possessions.

The sad death has left her children, Homer and Atlas, in tremendous sorrow. In his first statement after his mother’s death, Homer reminisced on the outpouring of love he received from thousands of friends, family members, and admirers over six days. He also expressed gratitude to his father, Coley, and stepmother, Alexi, for their steadfast support throughout this challenging period.

Atlas is still a minor at this time. Thus they have requested that their guardian ad litem be given the authority to waive the bond on Atlas’s behalf. Given that Homer was only nine years old in 2011, assuming Tupper and Heche were still purportedly engaged at the time, this is an ongoing procedure that may prove significantly more complicated than simply presenting a legitimate holographic will.

The terrible incidence of Anne Heche’s death resulted in first responders arriving at the scene of her car accident after a 20-minute delay. It took another 20 minutes to rescue her from the vehicle carefully.

On the tape, firefighters can be heard discussing how they had identified one person trapped in an unreachable place, up against the floorboard, and how they had managed to pull her out by 11:01 a.m. According to Deputy Chief Richard Fields, the victim was not in the driver’s seat but rather on the floorboard of the passenger seat. It is unclear what brought her to this position.

Fields said that it was impossible to see into or quickly enter the vehicle due to the amount of smoke and flames present. Anne Heche died a week after her crash because she was placed on life support after falling into a coma. Her organs were later given to help those in need of life-saving transplants.

This heartbreaking incident reminds us how quickly an unforeseen circumstance can occur despite our best attempts to keep safe and secure, and Anne Heche’s premature death has left many heartbroken.

The paramedics and firefighters tried quickly and diligently to get Heche out alive. Still, their efforts were ultimately useless due to the severity of her injuries incurred during this event, which were caused by unknown causes.

According to reports, Heche will be laid to rest at Hollywood Forever, a place known for hosting movie screenings, concerts, and other events, which her mother would have likely loved due to its peaceful ambiance, where she will join other Hollywood figures who have passed away throughout time.