While most animals pose no harm to humans, it’s always important to exercise caution when outdoors. Humans have developed reflexes over thousands of years to avoid certain creatures. One such creature is the puss caterpillar, a seemingly innocent and fuzzy ball-shaped insect that can be found in many parts of the United States.

A few years ago, Leslie Howe, a mother from Georgia, had a terrifying encounter with the puss caterpillar while she was at a local park with her children. It had been a typical day until she noticed a peculiar ball-shaped hairy creature near her kids. Leslie’s gut instinct kicked in, and she wisely decided to keep her children away from it.
The puss caterpillar, also known as the Megalopyge Opercularis larva, might look harmless with its cat-like fur, but don’t be fooled. Hidden beneath its velvety exterior are venomous bristles that can cause an extremely painful sting. The caterpillar can grow up to an inch in length and is commonly found in states ranging from New Jersey to Florida and as far west as Texas.
If stung by a puss caterpillar, the pain is immediate and can be even worse than a wasp sting. The severity of the pain depends on the location and the number of bristles that penetrate the skin. Some people have reported feeling the pain up to their shoulders and enduring it for up to twelve hours. Eric Day, manager of Virginia Tech’s Insect ID Lab, can attest to this after being stung while mowing his lawn. The burning sensation went away after a day, but the blister and irritation lasted for several weeks.
If you come into contact with a puss caterpillar, it’s crucial to take immediate action. Gently wash the affected area with soap and water, and use tape to remove any remaining bristles. If the sting site begins to itch, applying baking powder or hydrocortisone ointment can provide relief. However, if symptoms worsen, seek medical assistance, as the puss caterpillar sting can trigger anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction.
Please share this information with others to raise awareness of the puss caterpillar’s dangers. Let’s keep ourselves and our loved ones safe from this seemingly harmless yet dangerous insect.