At 36 years old, I found myself astounded by the range of age guesses I received on my TikTok video. From the mid-40s to beyond 60, people speculated about my appearance, attributing it to factors like grey hair, skin texture, and fine lines. The prevailing theme seemed to be an assumption of older age based solely on physical attributes.

Embracing My Natural Grey Hair
During the lockdown, I made the decision to stop dyeing my hair and embrace my natural greys. To me, it became a symbol of authenticity and self-acceptance. I wanted to emphasize the importance of women feeling comfortable in their own skin and rejecting the pressures of conforming to youth-centric beauty standards.
No Cosmetic Procedures, Just Me
Contrary to popular belief, I haven’t undergone any cosmetic procedures, including Botox. I choose to go makeup-free and let my natural features shine. Those bags under my eyes? They’re a result of the demands of motherhood, as I care for my infant son, who often keeps me up at night. It’s all part of the beautiful journey of being a mom.
The Power of Perception
Even after revealing my true age, the comments kept pouring in, ranging from disbelief to admiration. Some people applauded my youthful appearance, while others remained steadfast in their initial estimations of my age. It just goes to show that age is truly just a number, and perceptions can be deceiving.
So let’s celebrate authenticity and embrace our true selves, regardless of age or societal expectations. You’re beautiful just the way you are!