Watching the dancers of the CDK Company move to the tune of ‘Somebody That I Used To Know’ is like witnessing a touch of magic. Their movements dissolve into the music in a captivating way that holds your attention from the very first beat.
This group goes beyond mere dancing. They blend various styles, weaving tales with their bodies that surprise and captivate the viewers. It is contemporary dance adorned with a unique twist, making it invitingly gasp-inducing to watch.

Their performance embodies a dialogue without the use of words. Each graceful movement forms a sentence, narrating a story that feels both ancient and refreshingly modern. The dancers are in perfect harmony, their synchronization is impeccable, and even the most complex sequences appear effortless.
What truly makes this video stand out is more than just the dance itself. The filming technique enriches their performance, with thoughtful camera angles and intimate close-ups, making it feel as if you are right there, sharing in the experience.
From the very start, with its whimsical nod to ‘Willy Wonka’, through the playful yet precise choreography, it is a visual delight. The meticulousness of their extensions, the clarity of their footwork, and how each dancer channels the emotion of the song through every nuanced movement is spellbinding.
With over 4.5 million views, it’s clear why this dance mesmerizes so many. It’s more than just a dance video; it is an artistic masterpiece that seizes the imagination and refuses to let go.
As you watch, you transcend mere observation and find yourself welcomed into a realm where dance resonates more profoundly than spoken words. It’s an experience, a work of art, as moving as the music it complements.