Matt is best known for his role as ladies’ man Joey Tribbiani in the classic US comedy Friends. Since his time on Friends, the 55-year-old actor seemed to have undergone a significant change. Matt was spotted wearing a gray T-shirt with the Ford logo and blue trousers.
As he dragged a Ralphs shopping bag to his car, the Show star had a disappointed expression on his face. Since his split from his partner Aurora Mulligan, a TV producer, Matt has maintained a low profile.
He recently ended his nearly six-year relationship with his British partner.
Recent sources claim that the relationship between the former Top Gear host and Aurora, who also contributes to the program, has ended. The two are reportedly still very much in love and continuing their friendship.
After Matt took over for Jeremy Clarkson in 2016 and he was the first non-UK host, the two started dating. Later, they were seen holding hands in public and gave off the impression of being “besotted.” Despite their breakup, the two lovers’ feelings are going strong.
The two attended the UK premiere of the 25th season of Top Gear in 2018 after making their debut at a New York film festival in 2017.
Despite not being married, Matt and Aurora call each other “honey” on social media and appear to enjoy their relationship.
In an interview, Matt made fun of the fact that he was an “old geezer,” while Aurora expressed her happiness at finding a good person.
A source claims that Matt and Aurora’s romance is over. It is now finished.
In 2019, Matt moved to Los Angeles and maintained a quiet profile. He previously dated Andrea Anders, a famous actress.
The relationship between Matt and Aurora was strong, and they were an excellent match despite their significant age differences. It was challenging for them when Matt said he was leaving Top Gear to pursue other interests.
Aurora carried on her job in the UK. Matt traveled for a long time. He now spends most of his time in Los Angeles. Matt had a history of unsuccessful relationships.
In 2003, the actor married the fashion model Melissa McKnight in Hawaii; the couple went on to have Marina, now 18. When Marina was eight months old, doctors discovered she had a rare brain disease. Fortunately, with the proper care, she made a full recovery.
Due to the actor’s tendency to womanize, the couple’s marriage did not fare as well.
Later, Matt said that his experience with Canadian lapdancer Stephanie Stephens in 2005 contributed to the breakdown of his three-year marriage.
Matt remarked that a strip club was not the appropriate setting for a family man and that the dancer was equally to blame. She was in his face, shoving her breasts in, grabbing his hands, and holding her whole body.
“I was unsure of my actions as she asked me to caress her.”