Australia recently witnessed a heart-wrenching encounter on A Current Affair, where host Ally Langdon found herself grappling with deep sadness while talking to Andrea and Paul Haynes. This couple faced an unimaginable choice after losing their daughter, Esra, to a viral trend called chroming. As a mother herself, Langdon couldn’t hold back her tears.
Esra, at just 13, died tragically after engaging in chroming, which involves inhaling toxic chemicals for a quick high. Andrea and Paul shared their emotional story on the show, hoping to shed light on this dangerous craze sweeping through social media. Their lively and talented daughter was known for her spirited involvement in sports, including leading her team to a national aerobics championship and enjoying BMX racing with her brothers.

On a regular evening, March 31, an innocuous sleepover with friends ended in tragedy for Esra. She sniffed aerosol deodorant, leading to a sudden cardiac arrest and irreversible brain damage. Her mother, Andrea, recounted the routine nature of that night, a stark contrast to the tragic phone call they received.
Esra’s friends initially thought she was having a panic attack, unaware that her body was going into cardiac arrest due to the fumes she inhaled. Her shocked parents rushed to her side, finding paramedics valiantly trying to revive her. It was then they learned about chroming, a term unfamiliar to them but now etched into their lives.
Hope flickered as Esra was taken to the hospital; her strong heart and lungs seemed a good sign. However, after eight harrowing days on life support, devastating news came—Esra’s brain damage was beyond repair, and the agonizing decision to turn off life support became inevitable.
Paul and Andrea Haynes, through broken words, conveyed the indescribable pain of their loss. Their mission now is to warn others about chroming, which even they didn’t know existed until it was too late. The grief-stricken parents and siblings of Esra are focused on saving other lives from a similar fate.
Friends and family gathered to bid farewell to Esra. Her father recalled: “It was an unprecedented sorrow to say goodbye to someone so young. We held her till the very end.” Moved by the family’s heartbreak, Langdon, herself a parent, couldn’t maintain her composure any longer.
Following Esra’s tragic passing, the Haynes family found themselves profoundly affected, with her siblings, Imogen, Seth, and Charlie, shattered by her loss. “The experience has been devastating,” Paul shared. “It’s a nightmare no parent should endure. We’ve lost our smiles, our peace… even our friends are feeling the impact.”
Determined to spare others this anguish, Andrea and Paul are committed to raising awareness about chroming. This lethal craze is deceptively simple—achieved using household items readily available to teens.
Paul expressed regret, wishing they had understood the risks of chroming sooner: “We would have certainly had that important conversation at the dinner table.” They are now urging all parents to discuss the dangers with their children directly, not indirectly through peers or online sources.
The Haynes family strives to educate both parents and kids, hoping it will prevent similar tragedies. “It’s crucial to speak gently with your children and educate them,” Paul advocates. “We were oblivious to this menace in children’s lives.”
Since 2009, chroming has claimed the lives of numerous young individuals globally. It’s an alarming trend that involves inhaling substances that can cause a myriad of health issues, including seizures, heart attacks, and death—a seemingly innocuous activity with disastrous consequences.
“The images of those terrible days haunt us,” Paul confessed to Langdon. “The loss felt bottomless.”
It’s hard to comprehend the sorrow parents face when deciding to let go of their child. Our hearts go out to the Haynes family and everyone who knew Esra. Please share this story with others to help inform and protect families against similar heartbreak.