If You Discover a Tick in Your Home, Here’s What You Should Know

At my age, I’ve come to appreciate all creatures, even the ones most folks shy away from, like spiders and snakes. Yet, there’s one tiny creature I find hard to get along with: ticks.

Honestly, I wouldn’t lose sleep if these little critters disappeared from the earth entirely. They’re not just a nuisance; they’re also capable of spreading dangerous diseases such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Having them in your home is certainly not ideal.

The likelihood of finding a tick in your home varies by location, season, and whether you have pets. But if you do stumble across one, you’ll want to know how to handle it well. Let’s dive into what you should do if you spot a tick inside.

Spot and Separate the Issue

First off, it’s useful to identify the tick type you’re dealing with, whether it’s a black-legged, dog, or brown dog tick. If you find a tick in a specific spot in your home, keep children and pets clear of the area until you’ve dealt with it.

Taking Precautions

When handling a tick, protect yourself by wearing gloves and long sleeves to prevent direct contact with your skin.

Thorough Cleaning

Wash any clothing or bedding that the tick might have come into contact with using high heat. Vacuum the area well, focusing especially on corners and crevices where ticks might hide.

How to Remove a Tick

Use fine-tipped tweezers to grab the tick close to the skin’s surface. Pull upwards with steady pressure, avoiding any twisting or jerking to ensure the head doesn’t remain stuck in the skin.

After removing the tick, clean the bite area with alcohol or soap and water. You can dispose of the tick in alcohol or flush it down the toilet.

Keep an Eye on the Bite

It’s best to monitor the bite site for any signs of symptoms. Keep an eye on the person bitten as well.

I hope these tips help keep you and your loved ones safe from these pesky little creatures!