During his travels in Cambodia with a group of others, Elliot Costello had a chance encounter with a young girl named Thea that would change his life deeply. It was an unexpected meeting that inspired Elliot to begin a mission close to his heart: the fight against childhood sexual abuse.
Thea, young and vibrant, had a habit of painting her nails every day. In one of their conversations, she asked Elliot if she could paint one of his fingernails. Elliot obliged, enjoying the lively exchange with Thea. However, he later learned that this charming girl had faced the dark reality of sexual assault.

Reflecting on this moment, Elliot said, “As she painted one of my nails, I promised her I would always keep it that way to remember her and, by doing so, honor the pain she had endured.”
This experience fueled Elliot’s desire to change societal attitudes, aiming to safeguard more children from the horrors of sexual abuse.
It was then that he started the #PolishedMan movement, urging men to paint just one nail. This singular painted nail symbolizes the statistic that one in every five children falls victim to sexual assault.
The Polished Man initiative seeks to bring an end to sexual violence against children. The organization’s mission underscores that “being a Polished Man means standing against violent behaviors and language, both in our own communities and on a global scale.”
Elliot emphasizes that since men account for 96% of such violence against children worldwide, they must lead the charge for change if abuses against vulnerable children are to be stopped.

This painted nail serves not only as a reminder, intended to spur discussions about the widespread issue of child abuse, but also aims to motivate people to seek new, effective preventive measures. Elliot further encourages contributions to support educational initiatives and resources for children who have survived abuse, as highlighted by APlus.
We earnestly hope more men, including public figures and celebrities, will embrace and endorse this significant cause, helping to bring about much-needed societal change.
Consider sharing this story with family and friends to spread awareness and support for this important movement.