Luke Thiull, 13 years old, Builds His Dream House

Luke Thiull, a 13-year-old from Iowa, is not your typical teenager. While most kids his age focus on their phones and video games, Luke took on a much different project – building his house!

Situated in his parents’ backyard, Luke’s dream house is a testament to his talent and determination. And the best part? It only cost him around USD 1,500! Let’s take a look inside this incredible creation.

A Teenager Breaking the Mold

Luke made the decision to take a more “traditional” route in a time when technology is consuming the majority of teenagers. He shares his journey on his YouTube channel, explaining how his desire to build a tiny house pushed him to take on this extraordinary project. Despite the challenges, Luke persevered and turned his dreams into reality.

Resourcefulness and Creativity

Luke’s determination wasn’t just evident in his ambition and resourcefulness. He spent a year gathering the necessary funds and materials, from mowing lawns to raising money online.

Luke even traded labor with a friend to get the electrical work done. With approximately 75% recycled materials, Luke transformed leftovers from his grandma’s house into something extraordinary.

A Cozy Retreat

Luke’s house measures about 89 square feet, with a length of 10 feet and a width of 5 ½ feet. While it has electricity, plumbing is still a work in progress. Luke explains, “I liked the minimalism and wanted a house without a huge mortgage.”

The house is a teenage dream come true, complete with a microwave, TV, loft with a bed, and even a barbecue out back. It’s the perfect sanctuary for Luke to relax and have his own space.

Life Lessons and Future Dreams

Luke’s parents provided support throughout the project, both financially and in terms of construction assistance. However, Luke was responsible for covering most of the costs himself.

Luke’s dad, Greg, emphasizes that this experience goes beyond just building a house: “It was a chance for a kid to do something more than play video games or sports. It teaches life lessons.”

Inspiring Others

Luke’s accomplishment has already sparked dreams of building another house, this time a little bigger, as he prepares for college. He also hopes to inspire other kids his age. Luke says, “I want to show kids it’s possible to build at this age.”

His story is a true inspiration, showcasing what a kid can achieve with a clear goal, a determined work ethic, and the support of loved ones. Let’s share and support Luke’s fantastic little house!