Michael Grimm, the winner of “America’s Got Talent,” is sedated and on a ventilator due to an unexplained illness.

Lucie Zolcerva-Grimm, the wife of famed musician Michael Grimm, revealed her uncertainty about her husband’s condition after a week-long hospital stay, saying, “We are unaware of the underlying cause.”

The acclaimed singer-songwriter has been hospitalized for an extended period, battling an undisclosed disease that has medical authorities mystified.

Michael had been “sedated” and reliant on a ventilator in the intensive care unit (ICU), according to Lucie Zolcerva-Grimm, who took to Instagram to alert admirers. She cried as she described the emotional rollercoaster they had gone through throughout this health concern.

“I am aware of the tremendous affection you all have for Michael, and while I wish to protect his privacy and honor his request for confidentiality, we are in a difficult situation.”

Lucie described Michael’s hospitalization, telling how his health had gradually deteriorated throughout the Memorial Day weekend, eventually needing a visit.

“Many of you may have noticed his significant struggle with health, evident through his lack of energy and inability to fulfill his performance obligations,” she explained. Despite seeking medical attention, she stressed that the nature of the singer’s illness remained a mystery to doctors.

“His physical condition continued to worsen; he could barely muster the strength to walk, elevate his head, or respond coherently to my inquiries,” she recalled vividly. His irritation had reached new heights.”

Although a stroke was later ruled out, Lucie said she took him to the hospital because of his confusing symptoms.

She described how the disease’s poisons had begun to impair Michael’s cognitive faculties, leading him to speak incoherently and endure rapid bodily tremors accompanied by a significant increase in blood pressure.

Michael, the Mississippi blues singer who got America’s Got Talent season five, was ultimately admitted to the intensive care unit and has been there all week. Lucie said that the week-long health crisis had left her emotionally and physically weary.

“To ensure his safety and prevent potential complications such as stroke or cardiac arrest, he had to be heavily sedated and put on a ventilator,” she stated.

“We received some encouraging news today when the doctors decided to remove Michael’s ventilator, and he is now breathing independently.” “He’s doing well,” she said, a glint of hope in her voice. However, she highlighted that the previous week had burdened his body tremendously.

Because of worries about blood pressure swings, he remains sedated to avoid unpleasant reactions or seizures. Lucie said that the medical team’s efforts to discover the precise nature of Michael’s ailment had been fruitless.

As a result, she advised her followers to take each day as it came and told them that her primary concern was to be by his side and support his steady recovery.

Lucie expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the medical workers who continue to care for Michael even if he is unconscious.

She warned her followers that he would have a lengthy recuperation period whenever he regained consciousness. “Michael still needs to regain consciousness, which he has yet to do.”

As a result of being bedridden for more than a week, he will require physical treatment,” she revealed.

“Not only does he need to repair his vocal cords to restore his voice, but he also needs to allow all his organs to return to normal functioning. He needs to recover emotionally and physically from this event. As a result, this healing process may take quite some time.”