Miraculous Recovery: 11-Year-Old Defies Expectations and Beats Inoperable Brain Tumor

In a heartwarming turn of events, a brave eleven-year-old girl from Texas has left doctors speechless with her mriastounding recovery from an inoperable brain tumor.

Roxli Doss and her family received the devastating news that she had been diagnosed with a rare and incurable tumor known as scattered intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG). This diagnosis painted a bleak future of vision loss and difficulty speaking and swallowing for Roxli.

Despite the grim outlook, Roxli’s community rallied around her and her family, organizing fundraisers and events to support them in their fight against this devastating disease. United in faith, Roxli’s parents, Scott and Gena Doss, held on to hope and wished for a miracle. Little did they know that a gift was about to unfold.

To everyone’s astonishment, the tumor had vanished entirely during a follow-up MRI scan. Doctors were left in awe, unable to explain this miraculous event. For Roxli’s family, there was no doubt that this incredible healing was a testament to the grace of God.

“We say it daily,” shares Gena, Roxli’s mother. “It’s become our family ritual to thank God for healing Roxli.” This spirited eleven-year-old is back to her regular routine of playing outdoors and riding horses.

While doctors may be at a loss for explanations, the faith-filled hearts of this family know that God’s healing touch reached them in their time of need.

This experience has instilled renewed faith in Roxli and her loved ones. Isaiah 41:10 reassures us, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and help you and uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Roxli’s journey began with severe headaches that prompted her parents to seek medical attention. After numerous doctor visits without clear answers, an MRI scan revealed the devastating diagnosis of a Pontine tumor, also known as DIPG.

Steroids were the first course of action for her tumor-related pressure. In a few days, Roxli will undergo another evaluation of the cancer, and her doctor will provide a comprehensive treatment plan. If the tumor has not reduced size, inserting a stent to redirect fluid flow will be considered.

After spending several days in the hospital, Roxli and her family plan to take a much-needed vacation to the beach. Upon their return, she will undergo radiation treatments from Monday to Friday for six weeks, hoping to slow down the tumor’s growth.

“The now 11-year-old underwent weeks of radiation, even though there is no cure,” said Dr. Harrod, who has been closely involved in Roxli’s treatment. In August, the community staged a benefit for her, and the Buda community responded enormously. All Gena and Scott Doss could do at that time was hope for a miracle.”

“And we got it,” exclaimed Gena.
“Praise God we did,” added Scott.
Today, the tears shed by Roxli’s family are tears of joy.

Doctors, although unable to explain the disappearance of the tumor, agree with the initial diagnosis.
“At renowned hospitals like Dell Children’s, Texas Children’s, Dana-Farber, John Hopkins, and MD Anderson, everyone agreed it was DIPG,” shared Scott with immense gratitude.

Roxli’s miraculous recovery is a testament to the power of faith and the boundless hope in the hearts of those facing adversity.