A caring mother installed a baby monitor in her son’s room after noticing he often appeared tired and distressed. It wasn’t long before the device revealed a startling sight that sent chills down her spine…
“There, there, darling. Mama’s here,” whispered Alicia, cuddling her son Edduin, who had awoken in the night, inconsolable and crying.
Eventually, Alicia had to shift her work setup from the couch to the table so she could console her son, singing lullabies until, finally, he drifted back to sleep. She gently placed him back in his crib, quietly shutting the door so as not to disturb him before resuming her work.

“How do I handle all this alone? I wish you were here, John. I miss you!” she mused, pouring herself a cup of coffee.
Almost a year earlier, Alicia and her husband John were told they might never have children. Resilient, they had chosen to travel the world, exploring enchanting beaches in Honolulu, dining in Las Vegas, and marveling at the fjords in Bergen. Just as they were planning a trip to the Bahamas, Alicia received life-changing news—she was pregnant! Their joy was boundless as they rushed back home to Fayetteville, North Carolina, to celebrate.
Alicia and John, both foster kids from childhood, had diligently built a life together. Alicia managed the home, while John, a managing director at an electronics firm, provided their livelihood. Life was bliss until one tragic day turned everything upside down.

The phone rang, a voice said, “Ms. Silvers, this is Officer Duncan. I’m sorry, but there’s been an accident. Your husband was involved in a car crash on Farm Road. He didn’t survive.” Alicia was frozen in disbelief. That very morning, she’d urged John not to leave for his business trip, but he assured her everything would be fine. With a heavy heart and seven months pregnant, Alicia managed to hold herself together until labor pains seized her. Her dear neighbor, Mrs. Hall, quickly called for help and accompanied her to the hospital where Alicia gave birth to their son prematurely.
John was gone before their son ever took his first breath, and Alicia was left to face a harsh new reality alone. Once Edduin was discharged from the NICU, she took over John’s business, her MBA degree now her lifeline. Juggling work and a newborn was demanding, but with help from John’s faithful secretary, Madison, she adapted to working from home, ensuring Edduin never had to part from her side.

Alicia had thought hiring a nanny might help, but she wanted to be with her child. Amazingly, she managed both roles until she realized her baby was uncharacteristically tired every day.
Alarmed by his weariness, Alicia consulted a doctor. “Babies go through phases,” said the doctor, trying to reassure her. Yet, she grew anxious by the lack of change and installed a baby monitor to keep a close eye on Edduin.
One afternoon, as Alicia reviewed her reports, she heard noises through the monitor, unlike any she’d heard before. Panicked, she rushed to Edduin’s room, only to discover a small dog hidden in the shadows—an unexpected but comforting surprise.

The little dog was roaming the nursery, keeping Edduin entertained (and from his sleep) every night! Alicia remembered their own late dog, Doblo, whom they’d adored. It seemed the visitor slipped in due to an open dog door from the past.
Alicia decided to adopt this delightful intruder—a shaggy pup they named Casper. With his companionship, Edduin blossomed into a cheerful little boy, his face always alight with joy, his sleep patterns improving greatly.
“To think I didn’t know you were the solution all along,” Alicia cooed at Casper, watching him and Edduin while they played happily together.
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