Nurse Captures the Beauty in an Elderly Woman’s Hands

There’s an old saying that the devil is in the detail. By paying attention to the wisdom shared by those older and smarter than us, we have the opportunity to learn from experiences we might not have ourselves.

Nurses often find themselves in the midst of life’s most challenging moments. However, it’s also true that they get to witness more miracles than most. Such was the case with nurse Brandalyn Mae Porter, who discovered something extraordinary in a detail most would overlook – the hands of an elderly woman.

A Viral Phenomenon

When Brandalyn Mae Porter posted a photo online, at first glance, all people saw were the hands of an elderly lady. But once they read Brandalyn’s heartfelt words, they began to perceive those hands in a brand new way.

The image, coupled with Brandalyn’s poignant message, touched a chord and was shared over 160,000 times on Facebook.

She wrote, “Today I painted a new resident’s nails at work. We were looking at colors, and she chose clear. The only thing I could think was, ‘CLEAR?! That’s no fun.’

“I asked her why she wanted clear, and she said, ‘My hands are ugly, I don’t want to draw attention to them.’ I gently replied, ‘Your hands tell the story of your life. They’ve shared love, care, and adventure. These hands have touched and held things many people can only dream of touching.’ With that, she smiled and chose a pink polish.

“Sometimes, the things we feel insecure about are precisely what others find beautiful.”

What a beautiful moment, where the nurse uplifted this lady’s perspective, helping her see the elegance in her own story – something we can all take inspiration from.

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