Our Joke of the Day

Our Joke of the Day

A woman was waiting to board a bus when she realized her skirt was too tight to lift her leg high enough to step onto the first step. Feeling a bit self-conscious, she smiled at the bus driver and reached behind to unzip her skirt slightly, hoping to create enough slack to step up.

However, her first attempt failed. With another polite smile, she tried unzipping her skirt a little more, but still, she couldn’t manage the step. Frustrated yet determined, she gave it one last try, unzipping her skirt even further in hopes of finally getting on the bus.

At this point, a large Texan man standing behind her gently picked her up by the waist and placed her on the first step of the bus.

Shocked and outraged, the woman spun around and yelled, “How dare you touch me! I don’t even know who you are!”

The Texan, unfazed, tipped his hat with a grin and drawled, “Well, ma’am, normally I’d agree with you. But after you unzipped my fly three times, I figured we must be friends.”

Here are five more lighthearted jokes:

1. The Clumsy Waiter

A clumsy waiter at a busy restaurant kept tripping and spilling water on one particular patron. After the third spill, the furious customer shouted, “Why can’t you pay attention!?” The waiter blinked and said, “Sorry, ma’am, but my manager told me to focus on giving you the best ‘splash experience’ we’ve got.”

2. The Forgetful Golfer

An avid golfer teed off at dawn but immediately shanked his ball into the rough. After a dozen swings sending the ball nowhere, his friend shook his head and asked, “You sure you didn’t forget anything at home?” The golfer patted his pockets and said, “Just my pride, apparently!”

3. The Chatty Dentist

A dentist found himself rambling on about the weather while his patient was in the chair. Every time the dentist asked a question, the patient only managed garbled sounds. Eventually, the dentist apologized, “I’m sorry you can’t really answer with all that equipment in your mouth.” The patient sighed, “Story of my life—someone always puts something in my mouth just when I’m about to speak!”

4. The Overeager Dance Partner

During a country dance night, a shy man asked a woman to dance. Nervous, he kept tripping over her feet. She finally teased, “You’re stepping on my toes more than you’re dancing!” The man shrugged. “Ma’am, if your feet weren’t so darn irresistible, I wouldn’t be dancing on ‘em all night!”

5. The Overpacked Traveler

A woman boarded a plane carrying three enormous bags. Seeing her struggle, a gentleman offered to help stow her luggage in the overhead bin. She gave him a wide-eyed look and snapped, “I can manage just fine on my own!” He grinned and said, “I believe you, ma’am, but I’m more afraid for the people under you than for you.”