These days, it’s not uncommon for people to find themselves offended by things we once took in stride. Sometimes these reactions make sense; other times, they might seem, to some, a bit overblown.
It’s ultimately your call to figure out whether the young woman highlighted in this story had a legitimate reason to be upset with Target over a sweater she found offensive.

The customer in question, Reign Murphy, frequently shops at Target. During one of her usual visits, she stumbled upon a red sweater that caught her eye. However, when she looked closer, she was taken aback by its bold inscription: “OCD Obsessive Christmas Disorder.” This struck a nerve with Reign, as she personally struggles with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, which affects around 2.2 million Americans. She was understandably upset, feeling the sweater trivialized a serious condition.
Feeling compelled to voice her disapproval, Reign took a picture of the sweater and posted it on Twitter. The post garnered significant attention, with numerous retweets and comments. Many individuals echoed her sentiments, agreeing that the sweater’s message was indeed offensive. However, others, even those who also experience the disorder, felt the phrase was neither disrespectful nor malicious.
In response, Target’s spokesperson, Jessica Carlson, extended an apology to those offended by the sweater’s message but confirmed the item would remain on the shelves.

This isn’t the first time Target has faced backlash over its clothing designs. Previously, another individual criticized the store for selling shirts branded with words like “bride,” “trophy,” and “Mrs.” She argued that these labels perpetuated a narrative that women could be viewed as possessions.
If you’re intrigued to learn more about these events, check out the video below. We’re interested in hearing your perspective on this topic.
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