The late actor Patrick Swayze’s widow, Lisa Niemi, had angrily denied claims that she often beat her husband when they were married. Before passing away from a pancreatic disease in September 2009 at age 57, the Dirty Dancing actor was married to his former dance partner for 34 years. Niemi claimed that despite her husband’s battle with cancer, she never turned to violence.
Despite their youth, the couple was regarded as having one of Hollywood’s healthiest and happiest marriages. Despite their ups and downs, they always resolved issues and stayed together.
According to rumors, the actor, who had a previous role in the movie Ghost, had experienced domestic abuse. As Swayze’s cancer treatment ended, one acquaintance also alleged that Niemi would frequently ignore him when Don, his primary caregiver, was away, leaving the actor to suffer in unclean clothes.
In a furious denial, Niemi said the accusations were “absolutely false.”
It is that easy. The friend revealed to RadarOnline that following what they claimed to be a lengthy investigation, “Niemi would beat him and would pound on the furniture and walls. I kept much of their argument to myself as they quarreled. They wrecked their homes, hotels, and vehicles. It was hostile.”
According to Niemi’s acquaintance, Swayze would get hit by Niemi during his 21-month battle with cancer. Niemi allegedly used her nails to pull at Swayze’s arms and neck rather than hitting him with objects.
He had dropped a lot of weight and was fighting cancer, yet he never touched her. He firmly believed that he should never touch her. She always held the advantage.
According to the acquaintance, Niemi would limit Swayze’s expenditures and his ability to see friends. They added that his capacity to accept acting jobs would be constrained.
After realizing that the actress had relationships with men and women, Swayze’s close friend Charlotte Stevens is believed to have urged the actor to leave Niemi. “No, I don’t want that used against her,” he would respond.
On Tuesday, Niemi’s representative informed Gossip Cop that her client was unfamiliar with Charlotte Stevens.
Before Swayze received his big break in the coming-of-age film Dirty Dancing in 1987, he married Niemi in 1975.
Patrick Swayze was a singer-songwriter, dancer, and actor from the United States. He appeared in the motion pictures Ghost, Point Break, and Donnie Darko, a horror film. Despite having pancreatic cancer, which was discovered in early 2008, he died in September 2009. The couple didn’t have any kids.
Four years after the passing of her husband, Niemi announced in December 2013 that she was engaged to DePrisco. DePrisco and Niemi were married in May 2014, and DePrisco wore an Ermenegildo Zegna dinner jacket and Niemi an Oscar de la Renta dress.