The beloved TV show, The Simpsons, has stirred up conversations with their eerie ‘predictions’ for 2025, suggesting some daunting prospects for us all.
Over the years, The Simpsons have oddly forecasted several significant events, such as the UK’s cost of living struggles and the US 2024 election scenario. Notably, back in 2000, the episode ‘Bart to the Future’ uncannily anticipated Donald Trump’s rise as the 45th US President.
Once again, the show has left fans talking, with new predictions for the upcoming year that might not be comforting.
An episode titled ‘Thank God It’s Doomsday’ features the family watching a movie about the Rapture, which sends Homer into a frenzy over the possibility of the world’s end. His proclamation that stars are falling and the end is nigh isn’t initially believed, but he later realizes he miscalculated the date. In the narrative, Homer journeys to heaven and pleads with God to save his family, leading to God reversing time and Homer waking up from what seemed like a mere dream.
Loyal viewers have taken these scenes to imply possible foreshadowing for the year 2025, including notions of time travel and an apocalypse.
Another grim prospect fans are discussing is the hint of World War III. Given today’s global tensions, this prediction isn’t being dismissed so easily by the audience. Back in a 1987 episode, Homer, anticipating WWIII, insists that the family take shelter in a backyard bomb shelter. A later episode, ‘Lisa’s Wedding,’ depicts Lisa engaged to a Brit named Hugh Parkfield. In their conversation, Moe credits Hugh’s homeland for their wartime contributions, to which Hugh nods to saving Americans in an imagined WWIII.=
Yet another eerie scenario is the potential for a zombie apocalypse. In ‘Treehouse of Horror XX’, a catastrophic virus in Springfield transforms humans into zombies. Interestingly, Bart remains immune and ultimately ‘vaccinates’ the populace by purposely tainting their food.
The unthinkable alignments with the COVID pandemic have not gone unnoticed by fans, leading some to muse over social media about the reality of such ‘fictional’ storylines.
One viewer shared online their long-held curiosity about the origins of zombie movie concepts and their fear of such scenarios materializing someday.
Meanwhile, another fan pointed out how The Simpsons predicted a zombie apocalypse by 2024, provocatively questioning, “Are you prepared?”
Indeed, these imaginative forecasts by The Simpsons cast a wild, thought-provoking light on what’s ahead.