To encircle his home, a man spends $8300 on 400 feet of plastic.

Natural disasters can leave a path of damage and financial loss in their aftermath. This is when Randy Wagner, who lives in Texas, discovered that hurricane season was coming.

Randy spent $8,300 to buy 400 feet of plastic material that might be used to defend his property from flood waters.

Despite complaints from friends and neighbors about the money and labor involved, Randy understood that protecting his property from potential damage was vital.

During the rainy season, he covered his property with plastic to keep it safe and avoid significant losses.

Randy took a unique strategy to safeguard his home in the face of an imminent hurricane: he built a 400-foot-long barrier around the perimeter of his land.

Randy’s house was held and shielded from flood floods, much to the surprise of his dubious neighbors. His first expenditure of $8,300 spared him from potentially costly damages of up to $150,000.

Knowing where to go and what items are required for evacuation are critical to maintaining safety during a storm.

Becoming acquainted with local evacuation routes and planning where to stay is beneficial if necessary.

Packing an emergency kit can also be handy; put goods such as a flashlight, batteries, some cash, basic first aid supplies, and any necessary medicine in the bag.

When an evacuation order is issued, you must observe it without hesitation.

Even if you are not compelled to evacuate and can stay at home, it is critical to have the plan to ensure that you have enough food and water to last a few days in the event of a power or water loss.

Making plans to communicate with your family or the local community during an emergency is also recommended.

Fortunately, numerous resources are accessible online that explain how to use your community’s emergency communication systems.

Furthermore, preparing your home ahead of time will assist in securing your safety throughout this trying time.

This includes stockpiling supplies such as flashlights and batteries and instructing family members where and how to switch off utilities in an emergency.

Protecting your home from potential damage before the start of hurricane season is critical. Pruning tree branches near your home can help lessen the possibility of them falling and causing further damage during a storm.

Also, clearing debris from gutters helps ensure that they can drain any excess water that may come pouring into your region as a result of the storm.

Consider installing hurricane-proof shutters or bracing windows and doors with shutters or plywood to make them more resistant to severe winds.

A generator is essential in the event of a power outage. Even if you cannot afford a permanent generator installed in your home, a portable generator can supply much-needed power while the weather system passes through.

Building an above-ground “FEME safe room” or “ICC 500 storm shelter” at an elevated site will keep inhabitants safe from heavy winds and rising floodwaters for those who can afford it.

When it comes to weathering a hurricane, the best advice is to evacuate if your local government or emergency services have recommended you to do so.

If you cannot leave, you must bunker down at home and close all windows and storm shutters tightly.

Likewise, set your refrigerator to its coldest setting to keep food fresh even if the power goes out. It’s also critical to stay current on weather and emergency service updates.

If a hurricane is predicted to hit within the next 36 hours, ensure you have everything you need to stay safe. Instead of making phone calls, have a dependable communication channel, such as text messages or emails.

Moreover, ensure that your emergency kit is well-stocked with supplies like non-perishable food, water, flashlights, and any other necessities that may be required during an evacuation or power outage.

Monitor local news channels for any updates on authorities’ orders.

Being prepared when a hurricane is 18-36 hours away is critical. Ensure your family is informed of the evacuation plan and that your automobile is fully operational in case you need to flee at the last minute.

Strong winds can readily displace anything outside, such as patio furniture and garbage cans, that should be removed or secured. It would be best if you also boarded up your windows.

Moreover, watch weather forecasts and emergency bulletins via local news networks or city-specific websites.

As the hurricane approaches, the 6-18 hour window gives you one last chance to prepare. Check the weather page every half hour for any changes or updates, and make sure all phones have whole battery life in case of power interruptions.

Keep attention to TV/radio broadcasts for live news coverage, and remember that storms can change direction fast and unpredictably, so stay aware of the situation at all times.

While returning home after a hurricane, please exercise caution and only hurry back after establishing that it is safe.

Never walk or drive across floodwaters since they can contain debris, concealed unstable ground, harmful electric currents from downed lines, and other hazards. Before you enter the damaged property, take a snapshot to offer documentation for insurance purposes.

This year’s hurricane season has been terrible for many, leaving many individuals in deep pain and mourning the loss of loved ones.

All those affected by the storms are being prayed for.

We must all remain attentive and mindful of potential dangers when seeking to return home or assist others in need.