Charging your phone at night might seem convenient, but did you know that it may not be the best practice? Experts suggest that switching up your charging habits can actually be more beneficial. Let’s find out why.
Phone manufacturers, like Huawei, recommend charging your phone during the day to help preserve battery life. They advise against leaving your phone connected to the charger for long periods, such as overnight.

According to their guidelines, battery optimization occurs between 30% and 70% charge. So, it’s best to aim for keeping your charge within that range. By doing so, you can improve your battery’s overall lifespan. Apple also suggests keeping the battery charge below 80% to optimize longevity.
Understanding Lithium-Ion Battery Power
The science behind lithium-ion batteries can be complex, but let’s simplify it for you. These batteries function by shifting charge carriers between electrodes, which causes wear over time and strains the electrodes.
To put it in simpler terms, imagine a sponge. It’s easy to add some water to a dry sponge until it’s mostly saturated. However, getting a nearly saturated sponge to absorb the very last drops requires more pressure and often leaves liquid on the surface. This “pooling” of liquid is similar to what happens in a battery with solid electrolytic interface (S.E.I.) buildup, which reduces the battery’s overall capacity.
Interestingly, allowing the battery to drain completely to 0% periodically can reduce stress on the electrodes and extend the battery life.
Safety First
There’s also a safety aspect to consider when it comes to charging your phone. Charging it overnight can increase its temperature. This can pose a fire hazard, as warned by Paul Shaw from Staffordshire Fire Rescue. Charging your phone under a pillow or on bedding can lead to “thermal runaway” in the battery, where it self-heats and becomes dangerously hot. To ensure safety, it’s better to charge your phone on a hard surface like a work counter or wooden side table that can handle the heat output.

The Bottom Line
To prolong your battery’s life, it’s important to avoid charging your phone for extended periods once it’s fully charged. Many smartphones offer features like Optimized Battery Charging, which can be enabled to delay charging past 80% until you actually need it. So, take advantage of such features if your phone supports them.
Additional Tips for Optimizing Battery Life
Besides adjusting when you charge your phone, there are other ways to extend the time between charges. Here are some tips shared by Samsung:
- Use apps that monitor and close background programs when they aren’t in use.
- Adjust screen brightness or disable auto-brightness.
- Avoid live backgrounds.
- Set the screen timeout for a shorter duration.
- Turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when not in use.
- Remove unnecessary widgets.
By following these tips and being mindful of your charging habits, you can help preserve your phone’s battery life and ensure its long-term health.