It’s not uncommon for people to want to test their potential partner’s generosity, but one woman took it to the extreme. In a rather unconventional move, she decided to bring 23 family members on her blind date to see if her date would be willing to share. However, things didn’t go quite as planned.

The Failed Blind Date Test
Mr. Lui, the unsuspecting date, had planned to treat Miss Zhang and her relatives to a nice dinner at one of his favorite restaurants. Little did he know that he would be faced with not just Miss Zhang’s presence but also her entire extended family. With a total of 23 people, it’s no surprise that Mr. Lui hesitated at the thought of footing such a large bill.
Setting the Stage
This unexpected encounter took place in a restaurant in the eastern Chinese province of Zhejiang. Miss Zhang’s intention, although questionable, was to see if Mr. Lui would be willing to share and provide for her family. However, her execution of this plan left much to be desired, especially considering it was a blind date.

A Costly Blind Date
To the woman’s dismay, Mr. Lui made a swift exit rather than graciously accepting the financial burden. Now, Miss Zhang was left to face the consequences alone. The bill amounted to a significant 20,000 yuan, or approximately $3,100. It was now solely her responsibility, and her attempt at testing her date’s generosity had backfired in a bitter way.
A Further Fight
Not one to back down easily, Miss Zhang decided to take legal action against Mr. Liu. However, the court ruled that Mr. Liu should only pay 1400 yuan of the bill. It was a further blow to Miss Zhang, who had already suffered the embarrassment and financial repercussions of her failed test.

A Lesson Learned
This cautionary tale reminds us that honesty and communication are key in any relationship. While it’s natural to want to know about a potential partner’s generosity, elaborate tests like the one Miss Zhang attempted can easily backfire. It’s much better to build trust through open and honest conversations rather than devising complex plans to assess someone’s character.