12 Simple Ways to Keep Your Valuables Safe at the Beach

Suppose you are planning to spend considerable time indulging in water activities during your vacation and are concerned about safeguarding your valuable possessions at the beach. In that case, you have come to the right place.

Within this article, we have compiled a comprehensive list of eleven simple and highly effective strategies and techniques that will not only allow you to soak up the sun, swim, and have a blast but also keep your mind stress-free and your belongings secure.

By incorporating a little foresight and planning, ”I can now head to the beach without any worries about my phone, wallet, or other valuable items, and I can achieve the same level of peace of mind. After all, visiting the beach is meant to be a delightful experience where you can bask in the sun and relish the refreshing ocean waters.

However, we are all aware that criminals and pickpockets are constantly on the lookout for unattended belongings, and the beach provides them with numerous opportunities to strike.”

It can be distressing to worry about the safety of your possessions. How can you truly relax while sunbathing or swimming if you continually keep your smartphone, cash, jewelry, wallet, and other valuable technology at the forefront of your mind?

Not just lone travelers but also groups encounter this difficulty. What if every member of your group wishes to dip in the water? How can you ensure the safety of your valuables from potential thieves?

Fortunately, we have compiled an extensive list of some of the most ingenious ways to keep your belongings safe at the beach, ensuring you do not fall victim to theft. So, without further ado, here are eleven easy yet efficient strategies to keep your items secure at the beach.

  1. Get a Waterproof Dry Bag. A waterproof dry bag is a great solution if you have many possessions that will not fit into a compact waterproof smartphone pouch. These bags can be taken into the water with you, and once you fill them with your items and seal them at the top, they become airtight. The bag will conveniently float alongside you on the water’s surface, providing peace of mind regarding the safety of your possessions. However, remember that dry bags are not suitable for diving activities.
  2. Evaluate the Necessity of Valuable Items Consider carefully what items are essential to carry with you. Often, we tend to bring along expensive jewelry and technology that we never end up using. When heading for a day of sunbathing and swimming, there’s no need to burden yourself with excessive valuables. Carry only the essentials and leave the rest in your room.

For instance, there is no need to bring your wallet or handbag containing your passport and all your credit cards. Instead, get sufficient cash for the day and store it in a lockable bag or zippered pocket. 

Return your passport and a few credit cards to the safety of your room. The same applies to technology—do you need to bring all your photography equipment if you want to relax and swim? Pack lightly and be realistic about what is truly necessary.

  1. Select a Beach with Locker Facilities. Specific beaches offer lockers where you can securely store and conceal your belongings for a small fee. All you need to do is keep track of the locker key, often provided with a wrist strap. Before choosing a beach, conduct an online search to determine if they offer lockers or beach-safe containers. If you are still looking for information on search engines, try reading through beach reviews to determine if such services are available.
  2. Consider Paddleboard or Kayak Rental In the absence of lockers at the beach, renting a paddleboard or kayak can be an excellent alternative. Rental companies typically have measures to ensure your belongings’ safety while you enjoy your time in the water. Some providers may even allow you to keep your items in one of their lockers after your designated time limit has expired. Make sure to inquire about this option before renting.

You are not obligated to use the paddleboard or kayak continuously; return it once your time is up. If the rental fee is reasonable hourly, it can be beneficial for keeping your belongings secure while you swim or sunbathe.

  1. Opt for a Location near People or Lifeguards. When going to the beach alone, avoiding remote or secluded areas is advisable, as they may make you a tempting target for thieves. Instead, choose a spot near larger crowds or, even better, close to the lifeguard tower. Lifeguards are responsible for constantly monitoring the surroundings and deterring potential burglars, ensuring a safer environment for you and your belongings.
  2. Carry a Book or Newspaper. Instead of an E-Reader, consider purchasing a book or newspaper from the airport or a local newsagent if you plan on indulging in some reading at the beach. 

Smartphones and e-readers are often prime targets for thieves, and the bright sunlight can make it difficult to read screens due to glare. There are plenty of amazing best-sellers available at affordable prices. With these books, as with your tech gadgets, you need not worry about sand, sunscreen stains, or damage.

Furthermore, books serve as an ideal hiding place. You can discreetly conceal slim smartphones, credit cards, and cash within the pages without anyone noticing.

  1. Utilize Your Smartphone for Photography Unless you have professional photography aspirations, most modern smartphones have impressive camera capabilities. Carrying bulky DSLRs or larger cameras can make you an easy target for theft, and their delicate lenses are susceptible to damage from sand and water. If you’re interested in photography, consider purchasing a GoPro with a wrist or body strap. the cameras are small and easy to maintain linked to your body. They fit neatly in waterproof pouches and other pockets due to their tiny size.

Above all, be honest with yourself. We often bring expensive camera equipment with the intention of using it, only to leave it untouched. Assess your photography needs realistically and pack accordingly.

  1. Secure a Waterproof Waist Pouch Waterproof pouches are excellent for storing your belongings while swimming at the beach. However, it is crucial to thoroughly research and read about the waterproof qualities of each product. Some companies falsely advertise their items as waterproof when, in reality, they are only water-resistant or can only withstand brief submersion. Be sure to review the product specifications to make an informed decision.
  2. Utilize Bar or Restaurant Services If you purchase a drink or a meal at a beachside bar or restaurant, inquire if they can look after your belongings. By availing of their assistance, your items are less likely to be targeted by thieves, and you reduce the risk of becoming a victim of beach theft since the staff will have a designated area to store them securely.
  3. Conceal Valuables within Food and Beverage Packaging Empty, food and drink packaging can be a clever method to hide your valuables, provided they are properly cleaned and washed. By rolling up cash, it can be easily concealed within crisp packets, sunscreen bottles, drink cans, or bottles. Similarly, smartphones can fit comfortably inside crisp boxes or Pringles cans.

Ensure that you hollow out and clean the packaging thoroughly and have an innovative and cost-effective way to keep your valuables hidden in areas where criminals would least expect to find them.

  1. Hide Your Valuables Under a Beach Towel on the sand For small valuables, consider placing them in a lockable beach bag or an anti-theft beach bag and burying it under a few layers of sand, then covering it with your beach blanket. This way, you can enjoy ample swimming and beach time while the burglars remain oblivious that your belongings are safely concealed beneath the sand under your laid-out beach blanket. Thanks to the beach towel, you will always know precisely where you buried your possessions.

In conclusion, spending a day at the beach can be manageable. While it is essential to remain vigilant and keep your senses sharp, incorporating one or more of the strategies outlined in this article will significantly contribute to the safety and security of your valuables, ensuring they remain out of sight from potential thieves.

So, once again, here are eleven simple yet effective strategies to keep your belongings safe at the beach. By implementing these measures, you can confidently enjoy your beach adventures without constantly worrying about the security of your possessions.