Ryan Reynolds writes a heartfelt note in the aftermath of a ‘gut-wrenching’ tragedy close to home.

In the aftermath of a heartbreaking family tragedy, Ryan Reynolds, co-owner of Wrexham AFC, delivered a poignant message of love and support to his team’s captain, Ben Tozer.

Ryan expressed his sympathies on social media after learning of Ben’s father’s unexpected death two days after his leukemia diagnosis.

Ben was shocked to learn of his father Keith’s premature death at 59, following the revelation of his father’s diagnosis and successful brain surgery.

In a tweet, the 33-year-old expressed his anguish and advised people not to seek medical assistance, writing, “On Saturday, I was told my Dad has leukemia, but it’s treatable.”

He needed a brain operation, which went smoothly, but the unimaginable happened last night. Unfortunately, everything happened because he waited too long. He was unknowingly concealing the fact that he was in tremendous pain.”

“‘Go and get checked,’ we said all the time. He was just scared of what it could be. Thank you so much, Father. Our parting remarks will stay with me for the rest of my life. I adore you. I hope we did you proud.”

Wrexham Football Club, owned jointly by Ryan Reynolds and actor Rob McElhenney, posted Ben’s statement on social media and conveyed their condolences, adding, “So sorry to hear this. Our thoughts are with you and your family.”

Ryan responded quickly to the devastating news, sympathizing with the Tozer family. “Gut-wrenching,” he wrote. “Please accept my heartfelt condolences to the Tozer family.” This isn’t Ryan’s first experience with personal loss in the Wrexham community.

Earlier this year, he lamented the death of Jay Fear, a Wrexham fan who died four months after being diagnosed with appendix cancer at 45. Ryan expressed his condolences on Instagram Stories, sharing photos of himself, Jay, and his family.

“Rest in peace, Jay Fear,” Ryan said beside a photo of himself holding Jay’s arm. “One of the most courageous, kind, and generous people I’ve ever met.” Thank you for allowing me to share your father with Deb, Sam, and Jess.”

The two first met in April when the charity group Bucket List Wishes arranged for them to meet before Wrexham’s victory over Boreham Wood, which heralded the team’s return to the Football League after a 15-year hiatus.

Ryan admitted that meeting Jay had impacted him deeply, saying, “It was incredible to meet Jay.” I’d like to know how I’d react if our roles were reversed.

He is a lovely person, and his family is much more wonderful. I became overwhelmed when speaking with him and realizing how much his children and wife will miss him.”

Jay, a passionate fan of Ryan and his work, was overjoyed to meet his “idol” and was given a unique gift—a Deadpool glove. Ryan had also planned for Jay to visit the third film set while it was being made, but sadly, Jay died before this wish could be realized.