Can You Solve This Math Problem without a Calculator?

Are you up for a brain training challenge? If you enjoy puzzles and want to test your middle school math skills, you’ve come to the right place! I’ve got a classic mathematical problem for you to solve, and it’s a lot of fun!

Challenge Accepted!

Take a look at the picture below. You’ll see a task along with four possible answers. Your job is to figure out which solution is the correct one. Don’t rush, take your time to think about it and come up with the right answer.

Find the Correct Solution

Now that you’ve pondered over the options, it’s time to reveal the correct answer. Take a look at the image below:

The correct answer is B: 12. But why is 12 the correct answer? Let’s break it down step by step:

Do you remember the order of operations that we learned in school? It goes like this: PEMDAS – Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction. Following this order, we start by solving 3 x 3, which equals 9.

Now, let’s deal with the remaining math problem: 3 + 9 – 3 + 3.

By simplifying it, we get: 3 + 9 = 12.

Did you choose the correct number? If you did, congratulations! It’s a great feeling to apply your math knowledge and come up with the right answer.

Remember, practicing math problems like these can be a fun way to keep your brain sharp.

So, are you ready for the next challenge?