In a tragic tribute, Tina Turner’s last words to Angela Bassett are revealed.

Angela Bassett, who rose to fame for playing Tina Turner in a 1993 biography, spoke about her close relationship with the renowned performer and her passing.

Bassett acknowledged that she had kept some of Tina Turner’s spirit throughout her journey since 1993. According to her spokeswoman, Turner, a well-known artist who first gained fame in the 1960s, she died on May 24 at 83 in her home in Switzerland.

In addition to receiving positive reviews, Bassett’s portrayal of Turner in the movie “What’s Love Got to Do With It” also led to her first nomination for an Academy Award. In a statement made available by her agent, Bassett highlighted the difficulty of saying goodbye to someone with Turner’s level of influence.

“How can we truly say goodbye to a woman who fearlessly embraced her pain and used it to drive positive change?” Bassett mused.

Tina Turner became a source of inspiration due to her bravery in sharing her narrative, her steadfast dedication to remaining true to herself, and her resolve to carve out a place for herself and other people who shared her experiences in rock and roll.

Turner’s influence extended beyond her talent as a musician; she demonstrated to people living in dread what a future characterized by love, compassion, and freedom might seem.

In addition, Bassett revealed the last words Turner had said to her. Turner remarked, “You never copied me. Instead, you dug deep inside yourself until you discovered your inner Tina and made her known to the public. These profoundly meaningful words will permanently be imprinted on Bassett’s heart.

Turner acknowledged initial misgivings about the Bassett-starring biopic and questioned whether anyone could replicate her singing and dance talents. Turner, however, immediately realized Bassett’s skill after seeing her performance and said, “She’s perfect.”

Bassett urged people in her statement to discover their own “inner Tina,” citing Turner’s extraordinary journey as motivation.

She highlighted that despite the world mourning the loss of Turner’s iconic voice and presence, her legacy would live because she had given the world more than anyone could have imagined. In his closing remarks, Bassett praised Turner as an unquestionable gift and a queen whose timeless music and soul would endure.

As we say goodbye, may the angels lead Tina Turner to a place of eternal rest where they can embrace the best parts of her.