A father who is still grieving sees his wife and son two years after the funeral.

After Amy became pregnant, Chester and Amy, a very dedicated couple, started the road of motherhood together and sealed their relationship by getting married. Their lives seemed to be a beautiful image of contentment. Max’s birth, however, brought about a change as Chester’s working hours started to extend late into the night, ostensibly for the sake of their family.

Chester’s presence at home decreased as time passed. Amy was profoundly worried that he was spending less and less time with his wife and kids, but she was helpless to do anything about it.

On a crucial day, Amy made a choice. She immediately packed their possessions, leaving the house after telling Chester she and Max would visit her mother. Chester had no idea the call he was about to hear would completely upend his world.

“Chester! Chester! It would help if you arrived here right now. Over the phone, Amy’s mother begged for help fervently. Chester was worried and wanted to know why she was upset. In a voice tinged with grief, she said, “Amy and Max… They perished in a car accident on their way to my house.”

A tremendous wave of astonishment hit Chester. He rushed to arrange a flight since he wanted to be there for them but found all the seats already occupied. When he finally got to Amy’s mother’s house, she broke the news with sadness that both Amy and Max had been cremated.

Chester buried himself in sorrow after this devastating loss. He did, however, come to a point where he felt obligated to proceed. He used the chance to ask Cynthia, his hidden lover, to move in with him. Chester was unaware that he had been spending time with Cynthia while lying to his wife about working late hours.

Cynthia prioritized a carefree and adventurous lifestyle, in stark contrast to Amy. She was adamant in her declaration to Chester that she had no desire for a family and had never imagined herself as a mother.

Cynthia once insisted on taking Chester to Amy’s mother’s city of residence. Chester hesitated, fully aware of the negative memories it would bring up, but Cynthia persisted. “Oh, my dear,” she implored. “I won’t give you a solitary chance to reflect on the past. Let’s start this experience and enjoy ourselves to the fullest!”

Cynthia had been in the city for two busy days when her health suddenly deteriorated. Chester hurried her to the hospital in the area out of concern for her health. He decided to go for a walk while feeling anxious with anticipation, not realizing that this would change his life.

He saw a woman in the crowded streets who looked eerily like his late wife, Amy. He called out her name with enough boldness to startle her, and to his complete shock, she turned to face him. Amy was there, defying all logic, standing in front of him.

Chester was utterly perplexed. After a lady claimed to be Chester’s lover and be expecting his child, Amy admitted that she had made up for her death. Cynthia was the person in question.

Amy noted that despite her repeated attempts to address Chester, he was never present or open to having meaningful dialogues. While Chester listened to Amy’s remarks, Cynthia called and broke the distressing news that she was pregnant but didn’t want to carry the child. When faced with this situation, she decided to start again, getting remarried and having a new baby.

Chester’s world fell apart in front of him. He understood his grave error in getting involved with Cynthia, but it was too late to undo the harm.

He decided to break off his relationship with Cynthia and return to his hometown, taking the road to atonement alone because he felt hopeless.

This moving story is a comforting reminder of how important it is to put our families first. Let’s take this important lesson to heart and share this story on Facebook with our loved ones so they can see how important family ties are.