During her funeral, a toddler who had been proclaimed “lifeless” at age 3 reawakens, only to die again.

An extraordinary event happened at a three-year-old girl’s burial, shocking everyone in the room and raising questions about the timing of the medical error-related premature announcement of her death.

After the young girl there was incorrectly pronounced dead, Camila Roxana Martinez Mendoza’s relatives sued the Salinas de Hidalgo Basic Community Hospital of incompetence.

The tragedy began when Camila’s mother, Mary Jane Mendoza, took her to a pediatrician in Villa de Ramos, where they were raised since the youngster had been experiencing excruciating stomach discomfort, vomiting, and fever.

Recognizing the seriousness of the situation, the pediatrician suggested they seek treatment for their dehydration at a hospital in the San Luis Potos state in central Mexico.

When she arrived at the Salinas de Hidalgo Basic Community Hospital, the medical team immediately started taking action, such as cooling her down with a towel and checking her oxygen saturation with a pulse oximeter strapped to one of her fingers.

After being released from the hospital with a prescription for paracetamol to treat her discomfort and fever, Camila’s health worsened during the day. A new doctor examined her, prescribed a different medication, and recommended her mother give her fruits and water.

Camila’s frightened parents decided to get more medical help because they were worried about their daughter’s deteriorating condition. They were strongly advised to immediately take her to the emergency department by a different doctor.

Camila was readmitted to the Salinas de Hidalgo Basic Community Hospital between 9 and 10 p.m., receiving attentive care from the hospital’s medical staff.

Intravenous therapy was challenging because it was difficult for the medical staff to find Camila’s small veins. After some time, a nurse successfully established an intravenous line and supplied the required oxygen assistance.

The medical staff decided to remove the young girl’s intravenous line around ten minutes later, and she was brought to a different place to rest. Camila’s mother remembered in a heartbreaking moment, “She was still hugging me when they took her away and told me, ‘You have to let her rest in peace.’”

In a closed room, Mendoza was strangely kept apart from her sick kid, which added to her agony. She attempted to enter the room where Camila was being held but was unsuccessful. Tragically, dehydration was eventually found to cause Camila’s death.

The next day, viewing for the toddler’s funeral was scheduled so friends and relatives could say their final goodbyes. Mendoza saw a strange occurrence—a misting of the glass window on Camila’s coffin—amid the solemn gathering.

Mourners dissuaded Mendoza from opening the coffin, initially dismissing it as a figment of her imagination. Curiosity compelled Camila’s paternal grandma to assess the situation quickly; she was startled to see Camila’s eyes moving and astonished to know she still had a pulse.

As soon as the tragic revelation at the funeral was made, Camila was taken back in an ambulance to the Salinas de Hidalgo Basic Community Hospital. She was again pronounced dead due to cerebral edema, a disorder marked by brain swelling, despite the physicians’ valiant attempts to revive her.

Mendoza said, “That was truly the end for my baby,” her voice filled with grief. “My daughter was a joyful and loving person. She treated everyone equally and formed a personal connection with everyone she met. Thus, we are devastated.

Mendoza also expressed gratitude for the help they received from many local community members, as all adored Camila.

Sadly, the family had been excitedly awaiting Camila’s first day of school, which was supposed to happen later that week. They have been devastated by the abrupt loss of their beloved daughter and are experiencing intense sadness.

Camila’s parents initially received a death certificate that listed only dehydration as the cause of death. However, it was discovered that the reasons indicated on a second death certificate were dehydration, cerebral edema, and metabolic failure.

Mendoza expressed her desire for accountability, prompted by her daughter’s need for justice. She clarified that she had no personal grudges against the medical professionals who tried to save Camila’s life in such dire circumstances. She calls for a complete reorganization of the medical personnel, including the physicians, nurses, and directors, to stop similar sad situations from happening again.

Jose Luis Ruiz, the State Attorney General of San Luis Potos, is investigating the tragic case that has garnered much attention. He has confirmed that an autopsy is now being performed as part of the ongoing inquiry.