A terrifying video has emerged of a Titan submarine caught in a scary spin as its pilot loses control before its ill-fated mission.

Newly Discovered Footage Shows Disturbing Incidents Before the Tragic Titan Submersible Disaster

Recently, eerie images of the Titan submersible experiencing a series of technical problems on a previous expedition surfaced.

This revelation comes after the horrific implosion that claimed the lives of five people when the ship was en route to inspect the Titanic’s wreckage.

The disappearance of the Titan, built and operated by OceanGate, spurred a global search and rescue campaign.

Unfortunately, these attempts were futile, as the United States Coast Guard eventually confirmed the presence of a debris field suspected of containing pieces of the ill-fated submersible.

Extensive research has been carried out to establish the circumstances that contributed to the Titan’s implosion and shed light on the final moments of the passengers on board.

Nonetheless, questions about the preventive actions that could have prevented this fatal tragedy remain unanswered.

A thorough investigation into the incident’s core causes is expected to be initiated in light of this tragedy. According to CNN, experts point to various issues as potential contributors to the accident, including the vessel’s design, the materials used in its construction, and the role of CEO Stockton Rush and his company.

Rachel Lance, a Duke University biomedical engineer specializing in underwater survival, voiced alarm about OceanGate’s disrespect for known submersible design principles, adding, “This company was already disregarding many established norms in this field.”

She said that some components used in the vessel’s construction were considered huge red flags by industry experts.

A recent film supposedly depicting the Titan submersible battling significant challenges during a previous expedition to the site of the Titanic’s demise in 1912 has added weight to these fears.

According to sources, the crew was around 300 meters from the crash when the pilot signaled their concern.

Last year, the BBC aired a documentary in which pilot Scott Griffith recounted the incident to the people on board. “Am I spinning?” he inquired, to which a passenger replied affirmatively. Scott, perplexed, asked again, “I am?” confirming the troubling predicament.


Another crew member confirmed the news, saying, “Yes.” One of the passengers revealed their thoughts during the event in the same BBC broadcast, saying, “You know, I was thinking we’re not gonna make it.”

Fortunately, the pilot could readjust the controls and restore forward momentum to the submersible during that particular incident.

As we remember those who died on the Titan last month, our hearts go out to all those who grieve their terrible demise.

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