Ruth Jackson, the beloved mother of Alan Jackson, passed away in her home in Newnan, Georgia, after achieving a remarkable 86 years on this earth. Alan’s social media channels released a statement honoring his mother and expressing their condolences for her passing.
To pay tribute to Ruth, Alan and his brothers provided a beautiful funeral for their mother on January 12th, 2017, just days after her death.
The Newnan Times-Herald wrote an article commemorating Mama Ruth’s life and memorial service. Reflecting upon the impact she had on their lives, both Alan and his siblings shared stories of their mother that painted a vivid picture of the remarkable woman she was.
Alan even composed a song as an ode to his mom after her death. The singer previously penned “Drive (For Daddy Gene)” following the death of his father, Joseph Eugene, 17 years prior, showing how special both parents were to him throughout his life. His new song, written only hours before Mama Ruth’s funeral, was a fitting final farewell to all that she meant to him and their family.
As Alan released the song “Where Her Heart Has Always Been” to the public, it was reported to appear in the Newnan Times-Herald. This track will be featured on his upcoming album, “Where Have You Gone?” It reminds me of his mother, Ruth, who passed away four years prior. At the start of this song, there is an emotional video clip of Mama Ruth reading from the Bible, followed by Alan’s heartbreaking performance.
The sorrowful lyrics echo as he sings about the day his mom left this world. He paints a vivid picture of her peaceful ascension to heaven with lines like: “A gentle sound was calling low ‘It’s time to go.’” The chorus follows with similar imagery that reverberates after the finale—leaving an imprint of his mother’s memory within Alan’s heart where it has always been.
Performing this song at her funeral was noted as one of his toughest gigs, but now that it has been released to the public, Alan hopes that others can relate and heal from its message of love and loss.
Alan’s heartfelt sorrow is evident in the poignant melody of the song, a sorrow born out of his profound longing for his beloved mother. The lyrics express his deep pain from her absence and the wish that they will be reunited one day again. His raw emotion is so tangible that anyone who has ever gone through a similar experience can empathize and relate to it.
The lyrics detail his memories of her, describing her as being reunited with her true love and dancing in the breeze like an angel whose spirit never fades away. Even though she has moved on to a better place, he still yearns for her and misses her presence greatly. It is a reminder that even after losing someone, extraordinary life continues, but they will remain forever etched in our hearts and minds.
The sorrowful tune is a tribute to Alan’s mother, conveying all the bittersweet emotions of loss and remembrance unforgettably. Listening to it evokes an overwhelming sense of nostalgia and longing that many people can identify with; it reminds us that even after death, we hold onto memories of those we have lost, cherishing them and keeping their legacy alive in our hearts until we meet once more beyond the stars.