We’ve all been there, right? You’re out with family, friends, or your significant other, and someone forgets their wallet or credit card. It happens. But if it becomes a pattern, something’s off.
Recently, a woman turned to Reddit to seek advice. She was at her wit’s end and queried if she was in the wrong for refusing to pay for her boyfriend and his children’s meal after yet another incident of him forgetting his credit card.
Her story goes like this: She and her boyfriend have been together for nine months. He has two daughters from a prior relationship, and these girls love going out to eat.

They have been dining out once a week, but every single time, her boyfriend conveniently forgets to bring his wallet. This always results in her covering the cost for everyone.
When they planned their last outing, she tried to preempt the situation by texting him as a reminder to bring his wallet. His response? Laughter.
As they sat down in the restaurant, the kids started picking the most expensive items on the menu. It was then she asked her boyfriend if he had his wallet. His reaction was one of surprise; he patted himself down and then claimed he had left it in a different pair of jeans. He requested her to pay “just this time.”
At that moment, she’d had enough. She grabbed her bag and decided it was time to leave.
He wanted to know where she was going. Her response? She wasn’t repeating the cycle again, and she left them to enjoy their meal on his dime.
Later, he called her, accusing her of lacking compassion for his children, who reportedly went home hungry since he had to cancel the meal. He blamed her selfishness for not feeding his kids.
This led to a big disagreement, with him suggesting she needed to reflect on her treatment toward his children. Meanwhile, she was left pondering if she was wrong for standing her ground.
The Reddit community was quick to rally behind her. They perceived his forgetfulness as intentional and manipulative.

Discussions hailed her decision to walk away. One comment read, “NTA. Sweetie, you need to dump the loser. He will bleed you dry for the rest of your life.” Another noted, “NTA. This guy is a manipulative AH. Red flags left and right. ETA: you’re my hero for walking out. He created this situation.”

What’s your take on this dilemma?
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