Nanny Faye Chrisley has shared an update on her battle with bladder cancer.

On Savannah Chrisley’s podcast, Unlocked, Nanny Faye Chrisley recently discussed her fight against bladder cancer.

Even though she was getting treatment, the 79-year-old stayed positive and said she was doing well and would get through hard times. Her determination comes from going to bed and waking up at the same time every day.

In the end, Nanny Faye said that even though life can sometimes throw us curveballs, we should always try our best and stay strong.

Savannah praised her grandma, now battling cancer, calling her a “champ” for maintaining a cheerful attitude in the face of adversity.

She revealed that even after chemo, Nanny Faye was up and out the next day, heading to the casino.

The Chrisley family has faced numerous challenges, including Julie and Todd’s trust for tax cheating, which left Faye without her primary carers.

Savannah mentioned the complex issue before Nanny Faye agreed it was pretty taxing.

Despite these difficulties, Faye could always rely on Julie for emotional and physical support during her bladder cancer treatment; Julie was present at all her appointments.

Todd Chrisley announced on his podcast, Chrisley Confessions, in June 2022 that his mother had been diagnosed with bladder cancer in the fall of 2021.

Although they had planned to keep her diagnosis private, he believed it was necessary to share the news to show that no one is immune to adversity.

Todd prayed for his mother’s healing daily, pleading for respect for his mother’s age and her fight for life.

Nanny Faye’s condition is unknown, although she most likely has bladder cancer, a disease that disproportionately affects adults over 55.

According to the American Cancer Society, 90% of bladder cancer patients are 55 or older. Bladder cancer is prevalent in the senior population and can have catastrophic consequences for those affected.