Noisy neighbors can be quite a test of patience, can’t they?
Meet Cilla Carden, a massage therapist from Perth, Australia. Cilla has had quite the ordeal with her neighbors, whom she found to be significantly disruptive. She’d tell you her neighbors were so bothersome that it led her to Australia’s Supreme Court!

As someone who’s moved into a neighborhood before, you can imagine how difficult it can sometimes be to adjust. Everyone’s different, and neighbors can have a huge impact on your daily life. For Cilla, a vegan, it wasn’t just noise – the issue stemmed from what her neighbors liked to cook and the activities they indulged in.
Now, rather than letting things simmer down on their own or settling for a neighborly discussion, Cilla took a bold step – she sought legal remedy for her grievances.
Let me walk you through what unfolded. It’s quite the story!
“It’s been devastating, it’s been turmoil, it’s been unrest, I haven’t been able to sleep,” Cilla expressed passionately to 9News back in 2019.
For months, Cilla had been at her wit’s end. The constant aroma from her neighbor’s barbecue and the smoke wafting into her yard was more than she could bear. And then there was the sound of children playing basketball, which just added to her distress.
“They’ve positioned everything so that all I smell is fish. Fish is all I can smell. How am I supposed to enjoy my own backyard?” she claimed.
The situation reached a boiling point, and off to court she went. Unfortunately for Cilla, her initial claims didn’t hold up, and even an appeal to the Supreme Court did not sway in her favor.
According to Cilla, she believed this behavior was intentional, and she conveyed this strongly to the courts.
Interestingly, her neighbor feels they’ve ironed out the issues. When 9News dropped by the defendant’s backyard, they noticed that the barbecue had been removed and the children’s basketball games were stopped.
Meanwhile, as the oddity of this court case gained public attention, it sparked quite the reaction. A Facebook event emerged promoting a community BBQ, sending out a clear message that Cilla wouldn’t be able “to destroy a good old Aussie tradition.”
With around 24,000 enthusiastic Aussies keen to participate, the authorities had to step in and issue a warning, and Cilla’s lawyer promptly threatened legal repercussions. The BBQ event? Well, it had to be canceled.
Despite all this drama, Cilla’s lawyer was quick to assure everyone that Cilla wasn’t on a mission against meat-eaters. She didn’t oppose barbecues, nor was she against people enjoying their meat. It seemed that she was just driven to desperation due to her specific situation.
So, what do you think about how Cilla handled the situation? It’s certainly a mixed bag of opinions. Her choices might not resonate with everyone, which is fair.
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