Woman Scoffs At 6 Year-Old’s Prayer – His Response Is Perfect – His Respond Is Perfect

As the family bowed their heads, the boy said, “God is good. God is great. Thank you for the food, and I would even thank you more if Mom gets us ice cream for dessert.

And Liberty and justice for all! As customers sitting nearby laughed at the prayer, the mother heard one woman say, “That’s what’s wrong with this country.Kids today don’t even know how to pray. Asking God for ice-cream! Why, I never!”

The mother’s son burst into tears as soon as he heard this, asking her “Did I do it wrong? Is God mad at me?” As the mother sat comforting her son, an elderly man walked up to them and winked at the little boy.

A mother has just taken to social media to reveal what happened when she recently took her family to a local restaurant.

The mother said that when they sat down at the table, her 6 year-old son asked if they could say grace.

As the family bowed their heads, the boy said, “God is good. God is great. Thank you for the food, and I would even thank you more if Mom gets us ice cream for dessert.

Here are some more jokes for you:

The Artistic Chicken: Why did the chicken become an artist? Because it wanted to paint the town “egg-squisite” with its feathered strokes!

The Time-Traveling Professor: A professor walks into a time machine exhibition. He says to the curator, “I’d love to see the past.” The curator replies, “Sorry, the Renaissance period is over, but you can catch the 1980s!”

The Lost Tourist’s Solution: A lost tourist in New York stops a passerby and asks, “Excuse me, how do I get to Carnegie Hall?” The passerby smiles and says, “Practice, my friend, practice!”

The Musical Zoo Escape: Why did the lion break into the zoo’s music room? It heard the zebras were great at playing “piano-keys,” and it wanted to join the pride!

The Health-Conscious Ghost: Why did the health-conscious ghost refuse to haunt the candy store? Because it was scared of becoming a “spook-tacular” sugar addict!

The Ambitious Cloud: Once upon a time, a cloud applied for a job at a software company. It told the interviewer, “I’m excellent at cloud computing!” The interviewer replied, “But can you handle occasional showers?”

The Competitive Vegetables: Why did the carrot challenge the tomato to a race? Because it wanted to prove that it wasn’t just a side dish – it had “roots” in the racing world!

The Grammar Police Convention: At the Grammar Police convention, one officer said, “I used to be a detective, but then I found my true calling – correcting people’s your/you’re mistakes.” The crowd cheered, “You’re the best!”

The Iceberg’s Complaint: An iceberg walks into a therapist’s office and says, “I’m feeling a bit down lately.” The therapist replies, “Well, you’ve been bottling up your feelings for too long. It’s time to let it all float!”

The Quantum Cat: Schroedinger’s cat walks into a bar, and it doesn’t. It also orders a drink and doesn’t order a drink. The bartender scratches his head and asks, “Are you in or out?” The cat replies, “Yes.”